Shipping sentimental pieces to the next generation is one of our pleasures. Interesting stories often lie behind the items we ship. Our customer sent us this message about an antique pencil sharpener.
Pencil Sharpener was given to me by Eleanor Whiting (Aunt Eleanor), wife of composer Richard (Dick) A. Whiting and mother of Margeret & Barbara Whiting, who were a group in the 50’s. Dick had passed away in the late 30’s I grew up with his wife Eleanor at all family events and hearing the stories about their lives. In the 70’s on a regular visit to her home, Eleanor presented and gifted me ‘Uncle Dick’s’ pencil sharpener the he used while writing many of his scores, that same day I was show and told that the original score to ‘On the Good Ship Lollipop’ was to be given to my younger sister.
With social media (Margaret Whiting on Facebook) and the growth of the ‘Whiting’ family and interest in their legacy, many of them have been researching and gathering this history, knowing I had this item
of the immediate Whiting family, I let my children know the story and history while reaching out to the daughter of Margaret Whiting and Grand Daughter of Richard’s, the pencil sharpener was sent to Richard’s Great Grandson.
Thanks for your help in getting it to him,
Richard A. Whiting on Wikipedia
Wrote Hooray for Hollywood, On the Good Ship Lollipop.
Wrote with many other composers including Jonny Mercer.
He is an inaugural member of the Songwriters Hall of Fame.