Pak Mail Ships Treasures from Goodwill Auctions
Goodwill ships the small items; Pak Mail ships the rest Discover Goodwill of Southern and Western Colorado online auction lists Pak Mail as the shipper of choice for larger items. We provide pickup-pack-and-ship estimates daily for a variety of items. Pak Mail recently shipped
Big or Small, There’s a Way to Ship It
Weight and dimensions determine shipping methods Pictures tell the story. Even though the packages in the first photo look “large,” they are actually small packages shipping FedEx Ground. They include a rug and some paintings from the Discover Goodwill online auction. The second and
Pak Mail Packs and Ships for Online Auctions
Discover Goodwill online auction items Pak Mail is listed on the Colorado Springs Discover Goodwill of Southern and Western Colorado website for packing and shipping of larger auction items. Here’s a sampling of recent online winnings: bicycle, unicycle, oil painting, speakers, furniture, and a
Pak Mail Packs and Ships Auction Items
Professional shipping services for Colorado Springs auctions Auction items come in all shapes and sizes. They range from new to antique, non-fragile to extremely delicate, low value to high. Some of our regular auction sources — physical and online — are eBay, Discover Goodwill of
Stop! Go! at Pak Mail
UPS shipping for small packages Pak Mail had a few very busy weeks. This stoplight was shipped with UPS in late May… fun, simple project.
Can Pak Mail Ship a Bubble Hockey Arcade Game?
Yes, we can! Game on! Pictures of this Bubble Hockey Non-video Arcade Game tell the story of this eBay shipment.
Pak Mail Ships for Caring Transitions Online Auctions
Caring Transitions of Colorado Springs Online Auction Ends May 3 Pak Mail provides packing and shipping for Caring Transitions of Colorado Springs’ out-of-town online auction customers. The current auction ends May 3. Lots of practical items, as well as treasures — big and small —