Custom-made Boxes and Crates

February 24th, 2018 by

Pak Mail builds custom corrugated boxes & wood crates

Mailbox customer looks at the large corrugated box being prepared for a grandfather clock and says, “Now that’s a big box!”

Another private mailbox renter comments on a very large (80″ tall) wood crate, “I don’t think that’s big enough!”

Our regular customers enjoy seeing our shipping challenges and express disappointment when the front lobby is empty. Luckily, that’s a rare occurrence. This week was a mix of Goodwill auction, estate (the clock), basketball tournament, USAFA, online returns, small business, and gift shipping. Some items ship as small packages with UPS, FedEx, DHL, and USPS; some require a pallet and ship with LTL freight carriers.

We never know what will come through the front door next! It keeps our regulars entertained.

wood crate

large custom wood crate

custom box

large custom corrugated box